You are here: Visual Guidance > Implement setup > Section control setup

Section control setup

To configure section control:

  1. Select: Implement / Section control / Sections.
  2. Select SECTIONS, use the plus or minus buttons to set the number of sections, then confirm.
  3. To set the width of all sections, select Width next to All.
  4. Enter the width for all sections and confirm.
  5. To set the width for single sections, select width for '1' section, enter the width and confirm.
  6. Repeat this operation for section.
Response time settings

These settings set the response times for the sections when switched on or off. The response times must be calculated precisely to avoid overlapping and gaps in the application of the product.

To calculate the response times:

  1. Check that the implement is ready to start applying product.
  2. Use a stopwatch to measure the delay between the activation of a section and the application of the product. This is the ON TIME.
  3. When the section is deactivated, measure the delay between deactivation of the section and when the flow stops. This is the OFF TIME.

To set the response times:

  1. Select Implement / Section control / Timer.
  2. Select the ON TIME to set the number of seconds of delay between activation of a section and the application of the product, then confirm the setting.
  3. Repeat the operation for the OFF TIME and confirm the setting. This setting configures the seconds of delay between deactivation of a section and when the flow stops.
Setting section switching

The section switching function may be virtual (from console screen) or external (with a physical switch connected to the ASC-10 ECU or to the console).

To configure switches:

  1. Select: Implement / Section control / Section Switching.
  2. Select TYPE.
  3. Select Virtual or External ECU Sens., and confirm.