You are here: Visual Guidance > System function > GPS setup

GPS setup

Receiver setup

Configures the GPS receiver functions. To configure the GPS receiver:

  1. Select: System / GPS / Receiver.
GPS receiver

Select the GPS receiver type from the selection list.

The console may accept GPS data input from a third party GPS receiver provided that the receiver can be configured to produce data in the correct format requested. Contact the manufacturer of the GPS receiver to determine if the receiver used can be configured correctly.

If Other is selected in GPS RECEIVER, the console requires the following input:

  • GGA 0.2 seconds (5 Hz)
  • VTG 0.2 seconds (5 Hz)
  • ZDA 15 seconds
RS-232 communication

19200 baud rate (preferred) 8 data bits, No Parity, 1 Stop bit (19200, 8N1)

Firmware update

Initiates a GPS receiver firmware upgrade via USB (if necessary) or via the package bundled internally with the console software. The Firmware update button displays the

firmware version currently installed on the GPS receiver and the firmware version to which it will be updated.

Use ignition line

Note: This function may only be used if the vehicle wiring loom is compatible.

(SRC-40 only) Separates the power feed to the SRC-40 receiver from the vehicle ignition switched power system. This allows the GPS receiver to continue operating after the vehicle is switched off. The Keep alive time sets how long the receiver continues to receive power.

Keep alive time

Note: This function is only available if the parameter Use ignition line is set to Enabled.

(SRC-40 only) Keeps GPS receiver active after system power off. This option may be used to retain precise positioning information (satellite convergence). For example, to keep the receiver active for 1 hour after system power off, enter 60.

Load OAF file

Load an OAF file (Options Authorization File) onto the GPS receiver. This is normally done before installing the receiver; the file may be updated from a USB device if necessary using this option.

Baud rate

The modem data transmission rate. The default value may be modified to match the GPS receiver data transmission rate. Usually, this setting must not be modified. If the setting has to be modified, refer to the manual provided with the modem.

GPS correction source configuration

GPS correction sources are used to increased the precision of GPS positioning.

To set the GPS correction source:

  1. Select: System / GPS / Correction.
  2. Select the required CORRECTION SOURCE.

Note: Available correction sources are illustrated as follows. Additional configurable options depend on the correction source selected.

Correction sources

Correction source



Allows the receiver to find any free available satellites. Does not use any correction. Precision: 2 - 5 m.


Allows the receiver to select the best available correction source.


Uses Wide Area Augmentation System. Applicable for North America only. Precision: below one meter.


Uses the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service. Applicable for Europe only. Precision: below one meter.


Uses the Multi-functional Satellite Augmentation System. Applicable for Far East only. Precision: below one meter.


Uses OmniSTAR Virtual Base Station (VBS) correction. Precision: below one meter.


Uses OmniSTAR XP correction. Precision: below 0.5 meters.


Uses OmniSTAR HP correction. Precision: 10 cm.


Uses OmniSTAR correction with GPS or GLONASS satellites. Precision: 10 cm.


Uses RTK (Real Time Kinematic) Navigation. Precision: 2 cm.


(external modem)

Uses external modem connected to the GPS receiver for RTK correction. Precision: 2 cm.


Uses an RTK correction source provided by the cellular network of a network provider.

Precision: 2 cm.


(external modem)

Uses an external modem to import DGPS corrections from a network provider. Precision: below one meter.


Uses a DGPS correction source provided by the cellular network of a network provider.

Precision: below one meter.

Note: The correction source selected here will affect the operation of the guidance system and autosteer function. It is important to take into account the operating requirements of the GPS equipment. Refer to the manual included with the GPS device.

Note: The precision of the values depends significantly on numerous variables such as number of satellites, distance from correction source, ionosphere conditions, the receiver and the antenna, and can therefore not be guaranteed.

Correction source options

Note: The correction source options configurable depend on the correction source selected.




Lets the GPS receiver use the Russian GLONASS satellite navigation system as well as GPS.


GPS drift compensation algorithm used to allow greater performance from one pass to the next. Available with the following correction sources: Autonomous, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, OmniSTAR VBS.

Note: this option must be purchased separately.

RTK protocol

Communication protocol for data transfer between the RTK base station and the mobile receiver (rover) or, in this case, the tractor. This must be set to the same protocol used for the base station. Refer to base station configuration information.


The Region option must be selected to set the frequency used by OmniSTAR. The frequency for the selected region is set automatically.


The frequency used by OmniSTAR. The Region selection sets the frequency automatically. Usually, this value must not be modified.

Omni over IP

Provides OmniSTAR correction signal over an IP (cellular) instead of via satellite.


If the system is not receiving enough data to compute the vehicle’s position with the necessary accuracy, it will not be possible to engage the autosteer function. The fallback feature allows the system to reduce the position accuracy requisites so that the autosteer function can be engaged. This is useful in situations where a high degree of position accuracy is not required. This is useful in situations where a high degree of position accuracy is not required.

Baud rate

The modem data transmission rate. Refer to documentation supplied with the modem.

GGA output

Certain network providers require the transmission of a GGA (position) message to identify the position of the mobile receiver (rover), in this case the tractor.

NTRIP configuration options

If DGPS NTRIP is selected, a wizard procedure launches to detect the connected modem.

  • GSM APN: internet connection of telecommunications provider.
  • GSM MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit): largest transmissible protocol data unit.
  • Cell roaming: may be used to disable cell roaming to prevent international roaming data charges (useful if working near border with another country).
  • NTRIP Mount point: ID of base station (real or virtual).

Refer to the instructions of the cellular network provider for GSM and CELL ROAMING settings. Other settings are provided by the NTRIP service provider.

RTK configuration options

If RTK is selected, a wizard procedure launches to detect the connected modem.

  • Frequency: the frequency used.
  • Channel spacing: frequency difference between adjacent allocations in a frequency plan.
  • Network ID: setting for encryption (1-255 = on, 0 = off).
  • Connection protocol: radio data transmission protocol.
  • Modulation: type of modulation used.
  • FEC (Forward Error Correction): technique used for controlling errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels.
  • VTG Legacy mode: support VTG data output for NMEA standards prior to V4.00. Generates VTG strings compatible with NMEA version V3 and subsequent versions.