You are here: Visual Guidance > Description of user interface > Settings screen controls

Settings screen controls

This section describes the controls in the Settings screen. The Settings screen contains the following control types:


Select the menu options at the bottom of the screen to view the next level of secondary options

. More options may appear in menus when functions are enabled.

Option lists

Selecting menu options usually displays a list of options at the top of the screen. More options are displayed when functions are enabled.

Selection lists

Selection lists are used for selecting one or more options from a list. A notification message is displayed if too many options are selected in a multiple selection list. Press the check mark button to confirm selections.

Cancel and confirm buttons

These buttons are used to cancel or confirm an entry or a selection. When displayed in a screen, select one of these two buttons to continue the process.

Keyboard and number-pad

The alphabetic and number keypads are used to enter alphanumeric characters or numbers. Entries must be confirmed.


Wizards guide the operator through complex system configuration procedures with a series of questions. The response to each question determines the subsequent questions presented.