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Legal notices and Privacy policy


SDF S.p.A.
Sole shareholder company of SDF S.p.A.
Viale Francesco Cassani, 14 - 24047 Treviglio (BG) - Italy
Tel. +39 03634211 - Fax +39 0363421638
Share capital: EUR 32,000,000
Fiscal code, VATIN, Bergamo register of companies 00215890161 - REA 47462


This website is a service designed to provide online information about the products, services, activities and other matters regarding SDF S.p.A., as defined below, and its proprietary brands. Its use is subject to the terms and conditions set out below. If you do not agree with them, please do not use the website or download any materials from it.


The contents of the website pages are copyright© SDF S.p.A. and are therefore protected by the copyright and industrial property rights of which SDF S.p.A. is the sole owner. All rights reserved. The contents of the pages in the website shall not be fully or partially copied, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, saved, published or distributed, in any form, without the prior consent of SDF S.p.A. Users may store the contents in their own computer and print extracts of the pages of this website for personal use only. The brands and logos that appear on this website are the property of SDF S.p.A. The content shall not be used on any website other than this one without the prior written consent of SDF S.p.A. The name SDF and any brands that include the SAME, DEUTZ FAHR, Lamborghini Trattori, Hürlimann, Grégoire or Lamborghini Green Pro brands cannot be used as the web addresses of other websites, or as part of such addresses, without the prior written consent of SDF S.p.A. Access to this website shall not be presumed as the concession of a licence or of any right to use the brands that appear on the website, either as an exception or otherwise, unless the prior consent of SDF S.p.A. has been obtained.


The information contained in this website is provided in good faith and SDF S.p.A. believes it to be accurate. SDF S.p.A. and its subsidiaries (hereinafter "SDF S.p.A.") will under no circumstances be considered liable for any direct, indirect or accidental damages caused by the use of this website. The information contained in this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. The information may be changed or updated without notice. SDF S.p.A. can also improve, change or delete sections of this website without prior warning.


This website may contain links or references to access other websites, such as social networks. By clicking on the links provided, it is possible to share our contents, for example. We hereby inform you that SDF S.p.A. has no control over the contents of these websites and assumes no liability for the material created or published by the same or for any direct, indirect or accidental damage caused by use of the linked websites. The fact that the website contains links to other websites does not imply that SDF S.p.A. sponsors and/or approves these websites or the products and/or services featured in the same.


Any material sent to SDF S.p.A., such as via e-mail or through the pages of the World Wide Web, will be considered non-confidential. SDF S.p.A. shall be under no obligation of any kind with respect to said material and shall be free to reproduce, use, reveal, show and transform the same, as well as use it to produce other works and distribute it to third parties, with no limits. Additionally, SDF S.p.A. will be free to use all the ideas, concepts, know-how or technical knowledge contained therein for any purpose, including but not limited to the development, production and sale of products which incorporate said material. Anyone sending material to SDF S.p.A. guarantees that said material can be freely disclosed and that it does not contain any illegal data or data unsuitable for publication, thus agreeing to indemnify SDF S.p.A. from any actions whatsoever on the part of third parties with regards to said material.



Once a user visits this website, the data relating to identified or identifiable persons may be processed. The “Data Controller”, pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "GDPR") is SAME DEUTZ-FAHR Italia S.p.A., with registered office in Viale Francesco Cassani, 14 - 24047 Treviglio (BG) - Italy.


The processing operations related to the web services of this website are conducted in the above-mentioned registered office of the Data Controller and are only performed by staff expressly authorised to do so by the Data Controller, or by any third-party suppliers appointed to perform occasional maintenance operations, appointed as Data Processors pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR. The data collected will only be stored – for each type of data processed – for the time needed to fulfil the specific purposes outlined in the specific summary information notices displayed on the pages of the website and provided for specific services.



Browsing data

During normal operation, the computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire certain personal data, the transmission of which is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected for association with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, permit user identification.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of computers used by users connecting to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) ​​addresses of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters regarding the user's operating system and computer environment.

These data are only used to obtain anonymous statistical information about the use of the website and to check that it is working properly. The data are deleted immediately after the processing. The data might be used to establish liability in case computer crimes are committed against the website; except for this circumstance, any data on web contacts is currently retained for no longer than seven days.


Data provided voluntarily by the user

The user optionally, explicitly and voluntarily submitting their personal data in the registration forms on this website result in the subsequent acquisition of the data provided by the sender, which is required for the provision of the requested service. Specific summary information notices will be progressively shown or displayed on the pages of the website that are used for providing services on demand.



Cookies are small text files containing a certain amount of information which is exchanged between a website and the user's terminal (usually their browser). They are mainly used to make websites function and operate more efficiently, and to provide the owners of the website with information. There are two types: session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies remain memorised in the terminal for a short period of time and are deleted as soon as the user closes their browser. Their use is strictly limited to transmitting session identifiers (consisting of server-generated casual numbers) as necessary to allow secure, effective navigation of the website. Persistent cookies remain filed in the user's terminal until they expire, after a pre-established period of time. As these cookies are not deleted immediately when the browser is closed, they enable remembering choices made by the user on that website, information on the website pages that the user visited and the frequency of these visits. Persistent cookies also identify the browsing path of users to improve the browsing experience on this website. Finally, both session and persistent cookies can be either First Party or Third Party cookies, depending on whether the party that installs them on the user's terminal is the manager of the website that the user is visiting (First Party cookies) or a different party (Third Party cookies).

Cookies used on this website

This website uses both First Party and Third Party cookies as it uses the functions of the Google Analytics services, offered by Google Inc.

Google Analytics uses cookies to collect and analyse information on how the websites visited by the user are used. For more information on Google Analytics cookies and their use by Google Inc., please consult:

the information on how Google uses cookies, available a:

and https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/analyticsjs/cookie-usage
the Google Analytics privacy policy, available at:

The table below contains a detailed list of the cookies used on the website.

Managing cookies

Most browsers enable you to manage the majority of cookies by changing the security settings of your browser. However, we remind you that fully or partially disabling the so-called technical cookies may compromise the use of the functions on the website. In any case, should the user not wish to receive any type of cookies on their device, either from this website or others, they can raise the level of privacy protection by adjusting the security settings on their browser:

Mozilla Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-USkb/cookies-information-websites-store-on-your-computer

Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-cookies

Safari 6/7 Mavericks:https://support.apple.com/kb/PH17191?viewlocale=en_US

Safari 8 Yosemite: https://support.apple.com/kb/PH19214?viewlocale=en_US

Safari on iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201265



Further to the above stipulations with regard to browsing data, the user is free to provide their personal data. However, failing to provide such data may lead to the requested service not being available for use.



The personal data are also processed with the aid of automated tools. Specific security measures are taken to prevent loss of data, illegal or improper use of data, and unauthorised access to the data. The Data Controller has implemented all the minimum security measures envisaged by the law and, with a view to the principle international standards, has implemented additional security measures to minimise risks to the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the personal data collected and processed.



The data we collect may be transferred or communicated to other companies for activities closely connected and instrumental to the efficiency of the service, such as the management of the IT system. Personal data provided by users who request transmission of informative material (brochures, informative material, etc.) are only used for the purpose of performing or providing the services requested and will only be communicated to third parties where this is necessary for such purposes (companies that provide enveloping, labelling, shipping services). Beyond these circumstances, the personal data will not be disclosed unless provided for by contract or law or unless specific consent has been requested from and granted by the Data Subject.

In this sense, personal data may be transmitted to third parties, but only and exclusively in the following cases:

  1. there is explicit consent to share data with third parties;
  2. there is the need to share the information with third parties in order to provide the service required;
  3. it is necessary to comply with requests made by the judiciary or the police.

No data deriving from the web service is disclosed.



The Personal Data Protection law expressly sets forth a number of rights for those to whom the personal data refer (known as "Data Subjects"). Specifically, pursuant to Articles 15 et seq. of EU Regulation 2016/679, Data Subjects are entitled at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning them and be informed of their contents and origin, as well as the manner that they are processed, requesting that said data be updated, rectified or integrated should they be processed unlawfully or where one of the grounds specified in Article 17 of EU Regulation 2016/679 applies.



The Data Controller regularly checks the privacy and security policy and, if deemed necessary, amends it in response to regulatory or organisational changes or as dictated by the evolution of technology. Should the policies be amended, the new version shall be published on this page of the website.



Anyone interested in obtaining further information, submitting suggestions, forwarding complaints or claims regarding the privacy policies and/or the way in which our Company processes personal data, or those wishing to exercise the rights assigned to them by the data protection law, can contact the Data Controller by writing to SAME DEUTZ-FAHR Italia S.p.A., with registered office in Viale Francesco Cassani, 14 - 24047 Treviglio (BG) - Italy or by sending an email to  privacy@sdfgroup.com.

Any questions?

We’re listening. Find out all the different ways you can send a request to SDF.