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1930-Fratelli Cassani al tavolo di progettazione3.jpg


The spiritual will of Engineer Francesco Cassani

(Company founder)

In the event of my death, I want my heir to remember that SAME, with the help of my poor, dear brother Eugenio, was created not to make a profit but to give Italy a prestigious industry in the field of tractors and combustion engines.


I want to tell the man who runs SAME to be inspired as far as possible by the concept of unity and to avoid initiatives that take SAME away from its core. The company was founded on the construction of tractors and it must continue in this vein, striving to improve construction, without neglecting the steadfast pursuit of cost-effectiveness and modern machinery.

In the future, competition will be even fiercer, so continuity as well as updated products are essential.

The people who work with me today in the technical field, in sales and administration are trustworthy [...]. I advise avoiding business and financial speculations.

I would recommend not making the factory too big and always having a financial safety net, to deal with the crises that can always affect a company.

To all staff, I would like to extend my affection and thanks for their dedication to SAME.

I recommend to the person taking over from me to act, inspired by my values of being an enthusiastic, humble and tenacious worker.

To act with the utmost impartiality with staff and make every effort to stop any rivalry among co-workers; workers must rise through the ranks based on merit and be inspired by the sincerest loyalty and honesty to everyone.

As technology develops, the development of gas turbines is an interesting prospect. It would be advisable above all to follow the experience of other companies before venturing into studies that would be economically disastrous.

I would have many other things to say but I would like to end, giving the people who will continue my work a message to run the company in a healthy and honest way, trusting in their wisdom and integrity.

May God bless you and help you, rewarding you for the work you will soon perform.. quotes_b.png


Ing. Francesco Cassani

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